Muslims go to ALLAH and express their appreciation towards him by HIS recommended ways. The prophets conveyed the awesome message to this world. Diverse prophets have been sent to earth with particular messages and each of them spread the message of ALLAH as per HIS requests. Last prophet was Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was sent to Makkah and he was given the undertaking to lecture Islam. He was offered with Holy book named Quran. ALLAH says in Quran that Islam is the best religion on the planet. As indicated by Islam, Muslims have been requested to supplicate ALLAH, offer zakat to the merited individuals and perform hajj once in an existence time. In any case, it doesn't imply that Muslims can visit Saudi Arabia once just however they can visit the Holy land to perform Umrah at whatever point they need to. In this manner on the off chance that you are wanting to go for Umrah, then you ought to begin searching for umrah tours 2017, with the dependable travel agents.

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